Getting to

Up to now I've been writing about what makes being here with Cirque really fun and interesting, and it is. But there is also another side for family members that can be not so fun, even taxing and discouraging. I don't mean to bring anyone down but sometimes I am really bored and it can be depressing in a city like Sao Paulo since there so much fear around going anywhere alone. Anyway, I try to get involved in as much as possible but then again, this is a workplace and when the cast and crew is at work, there isn't a lot to do socially. I see some of the family members but the Russian wives hang out together and the other family members usually have things to do with their children. Now, this can be sad and boring but I fill my time with online courses and learning music. The thing is when you are alone, you only have yourself to talk to and that is not easy. We often fill our lives up with so much that we don't even know who we are without all that stuff. That's some of what I am experiencing. It's not that I don't know myself. It's more that I haven't visited myself in a long time and there are parts of me that I am getting reacquainted with. Ever have that experience?


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