Amazing Show, Amazing Friends

Anyone who gets the chance should see Kooza. I saw it in San Francisco after Thanksgiving and it was amazing. It's the closest thing to Saltimbanco with it's street performer vibe, the dramatic story, and the dynamic music and band ! I really encourage anyone to buy tickets for this one. It's now one of my favorite Cirque shows.
Also I have some amazing friends from our Cirque family who we were able to see in SF. One friend in particular brought herself back from an aneurysm and coma and within 7 months was walking and talking as if nothing had happened to her. Honestly, I think she is the one who really deserves applause! It goes to show you the power of your will and the power of you brain to learn all over again. We had a great time hanging in in Union Square, the Cirque site (which is the same reconditioned Saltimbanco tent for you Cirque fans), going out to eat and walking around the town. It's was a lot of fun!
Happy New Year!!!!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the head's up about Kooza. Seeing it in San Jose' 1/31 for opening night. I am excited to see it even more so, now that I read your blog! How's your singing going these days?
Logan Jacot said…
I really enjoy your blog. I saw Saltimbanco in Ohio it was amazing.

Take care,
Logan Jacot
Circus Artist

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