Goodbye to Saltimbanco, Hello CA!
The last two weeks have been such an emotional trip. I'm not sure if I can describe it well enough to give you an idea of what most everyone has been going through but I'll try. The last days of the show, Saltimbanco, were intense to be sure. Everyone knew the end was near and there were the typical symptoms of loss and separation anxiety. Some people were staying distant and others were bonding even more. We were getting together to toast each other every night and former Saltimbanco players who had moved on to other shows came into town to be a part of the goodbye. I made some really good friends, including Elisa, Chris and Maggie. I will miss them so much. I also just started getting to know some of the other wives and partners so it was a little frustrating to get cut off so quickly. It really showed for all of us on the day of the last show and on the next two days as people were leaving. So there we all were, family, friends, crew, staff, and former castmates at the...